There might be three quite different reasons that you are seeking ‘more info’

You've decided to become a Christian  
You want to look into Christianity in more detail  
You have specific questions you want answered  
You’ve decided you want to become a Christian, have talked to God about it, but are wondering what to do now and how you can get help in beginning to live "God’s new way".  

If that’s your situation, we’re only too glad to help in whatever way we can.

Here are some excellent books about the basics of Christian living:

You can also listen to some excellent free audio talks that explain more about it means to be a Christian:

However, as it says in Two ways to live, one of the key ways God helps us is by providing other Christians to encourage us and teach us. But it can be hard for some people to find other Christians.

If you’d like to meet with another Christian person, we’d like to help. No matter where you are in the world, give us a little bit of time and there is a good chance we could find somebody near you who would be happy to get together to talk with and encourage you about living God’s new way. And if we can’t, well we’re certainly happy to find somebody who will support and encourage you by email. Just email us.

A note about finding other Christians to meet with:

The Christian life is a team game. In becoming Christians, we instantly join a worldwide family of brothers and sisters who all submit to Jesus Christ as their Lord, and put their trust in him for forgiveness.

It's vitally important that you get in touch with this family—not only so that they can encourage and support you in embarking on the Christian life, but also so that you can do the same for them.

There are lots of churches around the world, and no doubt there is more than one in your local area. Sadly, not every church is as focused on the core message of Christianity as it should be. After 2000 years of history, it's probably no surprise that some streams of Christianity have wandered somewhat from the original teaching of Jesus and his apostles.

To find a really good church that will encourage you and help you get established in the Christian faith, here are four brief pointers. They are not infallible or foolproof, but, generally speaking, if a church has all four of the following characteristics, it will probably be a good church:

  • Look for a Protestant church—that is, a church with the label Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, and so on, or a Protestant church that doesn't belong to one of these denominations (sometimes referred to as 'independent' or 'community' churches). If you're not sure if they are Protestant, ask them.
  • In the church meeting itself, watch carefully to see if the Bible is opened and read, and if the sermon is based on explaining what a particular Bible passage says.
  • In the church meeting, and as you chat to people, take note of how often they talk about the death of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins, and his rising to life as the Lord of all. Churches that are passionately focused on these core aspects of the Christian gospel are likely to be good churches.
  • Jesus says that his disciples are known by their love for one another. Look for a church where the people display love for one another, both practically and in the way they talk to each other.
You are looking for a more detailed explanation of what it means to be a Christian. Two ways to live was interesting; but you need a bit more flesh put on the bare bones before you’re willing to make the ‘choice’.  

Again, we'd be delighted to help. Here are a few ideas you might like to pursue:

  • Read the Bible for yourself. Obtain a modern translation* and start by reading one of the four Gospels in the New Testament section (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John). Luke is a good one to read if you’ve never read any Gospel before. (* You can even read the Bible online these days. Start reading the Gospel of Luke. Or, to read Luke with a bit of help in understanding it all, you might like to read our book Simply Christianity: A modern guide to the ancient faith (AU store | US store).
  • Do a short course: many churches now offer courses that explain the Christian message, often by reading through the Bible and helping people to understand it themselves for the first time. We particularly recommend the following courses: If you would like to be put in touch with a church offering one of these courses, please email us.
  • Read a book: there are a number of very good, easy-to-read books written specifically to explain the Christian faith to people with little or no church background. Some of these books we publish, and are available through our online store:
  • Listen to some talks: View our list of MP3s free to download.
  • Have a browse around a website that gives you a bit more explanation. We recommend
  • Get together with someone who knows a bit more, and ask questions. Again, no matter where you are in the world, give us a little bit of time and there is a good chance we could find somebody near you who would be happy to get together to talk with you, answer some of your questions, and perhaps read part of the Bible with you so you can understand Jesus Christ’s teaching for yourself. And if we can’t, well we’re certainly happy to find somebody who will discuss things with you by email. Please email us.
You have some questions which you need answers to. That’s fair enough—you need to know that what the Bible is saying is true and trustworthy, and that it makes sense of the world.  

Here are some ways of finding answers:

  • There are some good answers to common questions people ask about Christianity at:
  • There are a range of good books on a wide variety of questions. Here’s just a sample:
    • Why does God allow suffering in the world?
      Try reading If I were God, I'd end all the pain
      (AU store | US store).
    • What should I think about other religions?
      Try reading If I were God, I'd make myself clearer
      (AU store | US store).
    • What about Islam? What do Muslims believe, and how is it different to Christianity?
      Try reading Islam in Our Backyard
      (AU store | US store).
    • Is the Bible anti-gay?
      Try reading What Some of You Were
      (AU store | US store).
    • How can I really know whether it's all true (the Bible, Jesus, and all the rest)?
      Try reading A Fresh Start
      (AU store | US store).
    • What are the differences between Roman Catholic and Protestant beliefs?
      Try reading Nothing in My Hand I Bring
      (AU store | US store).
    • What does ‘faith’ mean?
      Try reading Faith
      (AU store | US store).
    • What is the Christian attitude to sex? Are Christians just harking back to the 1950’s?
      Try reading Pure Sex
      (AU store | US store).
    • How does Christianity relate to science? Are they at odds? Has science disproved the need for faith?
      Try reading Unnatural Enemies
      (AU store | US store).

    If there is a question you are struggling to find an answer to, please feel free to email us, and we’ll do our best to either answer the question, or point you in the right direction.

    Or if there is any other way we can help you, please don’t hesitate to email us.